Viola Section
West Virginia Symphony Orchestra
Charleston (West Virginia), United States
General information
- Instrument or role
- Job category
- Number of positions
4 open positions
Employment details
- Type
- Tenure
- Employment beginning
September 2025
Salary information
- Gross (before tax) (USD)
$130.00 per Service
Application process
- Apply by
March 24, 2025, 15:40 (time zone: Georgetown)
- Application instructions
Send one page pdf resume to [email protected]. No late resumes will be accepted.
- Application link
Audition dates
- Audition
April 14, 2025, 08:00 (time zone: Georgetown)
Audition information
- Audition repertoire
First movement of a standard concerto (no cadenza)Berlioz: Roman Carnival Overture Pick-up to 3rd bar of rehearsal #1 until rehearsal #4 (play first bar of rehearsal #4)
Brahms: Symphony no. 2, mvt 1, m. 114 - 136
Clyne: Masquerade m. 1-28 plus the downbeat of m. 29 *permission granted; copy to be provided
Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night’s Dream “Scherzo” m. 17—reh. D
Mozart: Symphony no. 35, mvt. 4, mm. 131-181
Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 mvt. 1: #15 to #17
R. Strauss: Don Juan beginning until 5 bars before DAdditional sight reading may be requested.