Assistant Principal Double Bass
Norrköping Symphony Orchestra
Norrköping, Sweden
General information
- Instrument or role
Double bass
- Job category
- Number of positions
1 open position
Employment details
- Type
Full-time (100%)
- Tenure
- Employment beginning
By arrangement
Application process
- Apply by
March 08, 2025
- Application link
Audition dates
- Main audition
March 31, 2025, 09:30 (time zone: Stockholm)
Louis De Geer Hall (Concert hall)
Holmengatan 24
SE-60002 Norrkoping
Check-in starts at 08:30, audition starts at 10:00
Audition information
- Audition repertoire
The audition is to be played on an orchestral tuned instrument
Optional Pieces 1st round
Dittesdorf - Concerto in D-major, 1:st mvt with cadenza by GruberorVanhal - Concerto in C-major, 1st mvt with cadenza
Optional Pieces 2nd roundBottesini - Concerto no 2 in a-minor, 1:st mvt with cadenza and 2nd mvtorKousevitzky- Concerto Op. 3, 1:st mvt and 2nd mvtOrchestral ExcerptsOrchestral excerpts are published in MuvacThere will be a chamber music piece in the last round. - Accompanist
Accompanist will be provided