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2nd/4th horn (75%)

Residentie Orkest

Den Haag, Netherlands

Logo of Residentie Orkest

General information

Instrument or role

French horn

Job category


Number of positions

1 open position

Vacancy requirements

Nationality limitations

Valid and unrestricted work and residence permit for The Netherlands if you are from a country outside the EU.

Employment details


Part-time (75%)



Employment beginning


Application process

Apply by

April 14, 2025

Application instructions
The position
The horn section currently comprises two principals, one 3rd horn and one 2nd / 4th horn. In addition, we are now looking for another 2nd / 4th horn. In addition to playing symphonic repertoire in the orchestra, you will also be available for (educational and social) activities and staged performances in smaller ensembles.

Requirements for the position
It goes without saying that you stand out as a horn player, being able to adapt to the playing style and timbre of the group. We consider it essential that each of our players is an ambassador for our orchestra. You must be a positive team player who can strike the right balance between individuality and sectional playing.

Applications and procedure
Please submit your application no later than 14 April 2025, using a fully completed application form, for which you can find the template on our website at (werken bij)
Auditions for this position will be held on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4 June 2025. Compulsory works:
· Mozart: Horn Concerto nr. 3 KV 447 (all parts) with cadenza;
· Neuling: Bagatelle;
· Orchestral parts yet to be determined.

The selection committee reserves the right to make a pre-selection from those submitting written applications. An application interview will be part of the selection process. You may contact Sana van Iddekinge (Head of Personnel & Organisation) for further information about the procedure at: [email protected] or (+31) (0)70 88 00 212.
Other information
To be eligible for this position, you must hold a valid and unrestricted work and residence permit for the Netherlands if you are from a country outside the EU. Your application will not be considered if you do not hold these. We will ask for a Certificate of Conduct [Verklaring Omtrent Gedrag (VOG)] on making the appointment. You can find more information about The Residentie Orchestra on our website.

Audition dates

Main audition

June 03, 2025

Compulsary works:
· Mozart: Horn Concerto nr. 3 KV 447 (all parts) with cadenza;
· Neuling: Bagatelle;
· Orchestral parts yet to be determined.
Main audition

June 04, 2025